{"id":7368,"date":"2024-05-06T19:01:14","date_gmt":"2024-05-06T19:01:14","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/setupjunkie.net\/?p=7368"},"modified":"2024-05-13T16:05:33","modified_gmt":"2024-05-13T16:05:33","slug":"the-best-jogging-strollers-of-2024","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/setupjunkie.net\/index.php\/2024\/05\/06\/the-best-jogging-strollers-of-2024\/","title":{"rendered":"The Best Jogging Strollers of 2024"},"content":{"rendered":"


Not only does the best jogging stroller<\/strong>\u00a0make the world a bit more accessible<\/strong>, but it can also provide such a smooth ride that babies are rocked straight to sleep or at least have enough comfort to enjoy the ride.<\/p>\n

To find the best jogging strollers, we sought out some promising candidates and put them to the test. We wanted to ensure they rolled well, were ergonomic, had good storage space, folded easily, and had great hand\/brake control.<\/p>\n

Most jogging strollers are big, due to their long shape and three-wheel design. Even when folded, they take up a lot of room in your trunk and garage. So, in addition to running, we stashed them in two cars: a Jeep Cherokee (easy fit, but harder lift) and a Toyota Prius (easy lift, but harder fit). They all passed the fit test when folded, so depending on how much other crap you keep in your trunk, you should be good. As for the double joggers, your trunk would need to be fairly empty for a manageable fit.<\/p>\n

This guide will help you choose the perfect jogging stroller for a wide range of needs and uses. To wrap up our thorough analysis, you\u2019ll find our helpful comparison chart<\/a><\/strong>, buyer\u2019s guide<\/a><\/strong>, and frequently asked questions<\/a><\/strong> at the end of the guide.<\/p>\n

Editor\u2019s Note: We updated our Jogging Strollers guide on May 6, 2024. We added the smooth, ergonomic UPPAbaby Ridge All-Terrain Jogging Stroller<\/a>, Thule Urban Glide 3<\/a>, and others. We also added stroller safety tips from a pediatrician.<\/em><\/p>\n

The Best Jogging Strollers of 2024<\/h2>\n